Call for Abstract

World congress on Neonatal, Pediatric Nutrition & Baby Food, will be organized around the theme “Nourish your little one”

Pediatric Nutrition Asia Pacific 2020 is comprised of 15 tracks and 28 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pediatric Nutrition Asia Pacific 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Some women choose to feed breast milk exclusively. Exclusive breastfeeding includes feeding at the breast or giving mother's own expressed breast milk or banked screened donor milk. These babies are fed no other fluids or foods except for vitamins or medicines for about six months. Skin-to-skin and breastfeeding within the first hour of birth and exclusively in the early days helps bring mother's milk in, reduces breast engorgement and leads to a better long term milk supply.


  • Track 1-1Mother breast milk
  • Track 1-2banked screened donor milk

Baby food is any soft, easily consumed food other than breast milk or infant formula that is made specifically for human babies between four and six months and two years old. The food comes in many varieties and flavors that are purchased ready-made from producers. Or it may be table food eaten by the family that has been mashed or otherwise broken down.

  • Track 2-1Breast milk
  • Track 2-2Infant formula
  • Track 2-3liquid foods
  • Track 2-4bottle-feeding
  • Track 2-5cup-feeding

Infant formula is a manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies and infants under 12 months of age, usually prepared for bottle-feeding or cup-feeding from powder (mixed with water) or liquid (with or without additional water). 

  • Track 3-1Raw milk formulas
  • Track 3-2Evaporated milk formulas
  • Track 3-3Commercial formulas
  • Track 3-4Generic brand formulas
  • Track 3-5Follow-on and toddler formulas
Baby food is any soft, easily consumed food other than breast milk or infant formula that is made specifically for human babies between four and six months and two years old. The food comes in many varieties and flavors that are purchased ready-made from producers. Or it may be table food eaten by the family that has been mashed or otherwise broken down.

Infant development occurs in an orderly and predictable manner that is determined intrinsically. It proceeds from cephalic to caudal and proximal to distal as well as from generalized reactions to stimuli to specific, goal-directed reactions that become increasingly precise. Extrinsic forces can modulate the velocity and quality of developmental progress.


Nutritional disorders in children include both deficiency and excess states. Protein energy malnutrition remains one of the leading causes of death in children in underdeveloped countries. Obesity has emerged as one of the most common nutritional disorders in children worldwide.


Pediatric patients with chronic illnesses or diseases or who require long-term nutrition support are most vulnerable to nutrition-related issues. Malnutrition in a pediatric patient may negatively affect long-term growth and development.  A comprehensive nutrition assessment that includes food and nutrition-related history, anthropometric measurements, biochemical data, medical tests and procedures, nutrition-focused physical findings, and patient history should be completed on these patients as no one parameter is a comprehensive indicator of nutrition status. 


Neonatal jaundice is a yellowish staining of the white piece of the eyes and skin in an infant because of high bilirubin levels. Different manifestations may incorporate overabundance tiredness or poor nourishing. Entanglements may incorporate seizures, cerebral paralysis, or kernicterus.


  • Track 8-1Yellow discoloration
  • Track 8-2Seizures
  • Track 8-3Bilirubin

Neonatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of new-born infants. Sometimes babies are born before their bodies are ready to leave the womb. Important organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and skin may not be mature enough to function without special help. Although paediatrician can take care of most medical issues of babies, a Neonatologist is trained particularly to deal with the most complicated and high-risk conditions.


  • Track 9-1New born infants
  • Track 9-2 Neonatal intensive care units (NICU)
  • Track 9-3Prematurity
  • Track 9-4Maternal-fetal medicine

Pediatric critical care specialists treat children from birth through the teen years. They choose to make caring for children who are very sick the core of their medical practice. Their advanced training and experience prepare them to give children in PICUs the unique medical care that they need.


  • Track 10-1Unstable condition
  • Track 10-2Major Fractures
  • Track 10-3Head Injuries
  • Track 10-4Poisoning and over dosage

Pediatric Nursing includes the medical care of neonates and infants up to pre-adulthood. The responsibility of pediatric nurses is to regulate direct strategies and medications to infants as indicated by prescribed nursing care plans. Neonatal nurse’s focuses in giving support to new born premature babies, or experiencing medical issues, such as birth defects, diseases, or heart deformities. Neonatal nurses, work in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, are trained in giving exceedingly specific medicinal care to the new-born in risk.


  • Track 11-1Good patient care
  • Track 11-2supporting people

Pediatric Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that associates with the investigation of gastrointestinal tract and Pediatric Hepatology is a branch of medicine which is concerned with the study, diagnosis, prevention and management of diseases that affect the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree and pancreas. It is a sub-specialty of pediatrics and gastroenterology. The very common diseases associates with Pediatric Gastroenterology are acute diarrhea, persistent vomiting, gastritis, and difficulties with the development of the gastric tract. Neonatal Hepatitis (an inflammation of the liver) happens just in early stages, more frequently between one and two months after birth.


  • Track 12-1Pediatric hepatology
  • Track 12-2Inflammation of the liver
  • Track 12-3Neonatal hepatitis

Optimal nutrition in infancy is the foundation of health in later life. Based on the demonstrated health benefits of human milk, breastfeeding should be the primary means of nutrition for most infants. Although many mothers experience some problems with breastfeeding, health professionals can use simple strategies to overcome most of these problems. For infants who cannot breastfeed, standard infant formulas support adequate nutrition and growth.


Pediatric nutrition considers the dietary needs of infants to support growth and development, including changes in organ function and body composition. Decisions parents make about nutrition and feeding their infants has short- and long-term effects on the babies' subsequent growth and development.


Breast milk is the nutrition of choice. Beyond 1 year, breastfeeding continues for as long as both infant and mother desire, although after 1 year, breastfeeding should complement a full diet of solid foods and fluids.